Unleashing the Power of Vue 3 Composition API: Transforming Multidimensional Arrays into Lists
Image by Ann - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of Vue 3 Composition API: Transforming Multidimensional Arrays into Lists

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Are you tired of dealing with complex multidimensional arrays in your Vue 3 projects? Do you wish there was an easier way to transform them into usable lists? Well, wish no more! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Vue 3 Composition API and explore how to masterfully transform multidimensional arrays into lists.

The Problem: Dealing with Multidimensional Arrays

Multidimensional arrays can be a nightmare to work with, especially when you need to display them in a user-friendly format. Imagine having an array with multiple levels of nesting, and you need to extract specific data from each level. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack!

const multidimensionalArray = [
    id: 1,
    name: "Category 1",
    subcategories: [
        id: 11,
        name: "Subcategory 1.1",
        items: [
          { id: 111, name: "Item 1.1.1" },
          { id: 112, name: "Item 1.1.2" }
        id: 12,
        name: "Subcategory 1.2",
        items: [
          { id: 121, name: "Item 1.2.1" },
          { id: 122, name: "Item 1.2.2" }
    id: 2,
    name: "Category 2",
    subcategories: [
        id: 21,
        name: "Subcategory 2.1",
        items: [
          { id: 211, name: "Item 2.1.1" },
          { id: 212, name: "Item 2.1.2" }
        id: 22,
        name: "Subcategory 2.2",
        items: [
          { id: 221, name: "Item 2.2.1" },
          { id: 222, name: "Item 2.2.2" }

The Solution: Vue 3 Composition API to the Rescue!

The Vue 3 Composition API provides a powerful way to manage complex data structures like multidimensional arrays. By leveraging the `ref` and `computed` properties, we can create a reusable function that transforms our array into a list.

Step 1: Create a Ref to Store the Multidimensional Array

First, we need to create a `ref` to store our multidimensional array. This will allow us to access and manipulate the array within our Composition API.

import { ref } from 'vue';

const multidimensionalArrayRef = ref(multidimensionalArray);

Step 2: Create a Computed Property to Flatten the Array

Next, we’ll create a computed property that will flatten our multidimensional array into a list. We’ll use a recursive function to traverse the array and extract the desired data.

import { computed } from 'vue';

const flattenedList = computed(() => {
  const flatten = (array) => {
    const list = [];
    array.forEach((item) => {
      if (item.subcategories) {
      if (item.items) {
    return list;
  return flatten(multidimensionalArrayRef.value);

Step 3: Display the Flattened List

Now that we have our flattened list, we can display it in our Vue component. We’ll use a simple `v-for` loop to iterate over the list and display each item.

    <li v-for="(item, index) in flattenedList" :key="index">
      {{ item.name }}

import { computed } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const multidimensionalArrayRef = ref(multidimensionalArray);
    const flattenedList = computed(() => {
      // ...
    return { flattenedList };

Transforming the Flattened List into a Hierarchical Structure

Sometimes, you might need to transform the flattened list back into a hierarchical structure. This can be useful when you need to display the data in a nested format, such as a tree view.

Step 1: Create a Function to Transform the Flattened List

We’ll create a function that takes the flattened list as an input and returns a hierarchical structure. This function will use recursion to build the nested structure.

const transformToList = (flattenedList) => {
  const hierarchicalList = [];
  flattenedList.forEach((item) => {
    const parent = getParent(hierarchicalList, item);
    if (parent) {
      if (!parent.children) {
        parent.children = [];
    } else {
  return hierarchicalList;

const getParent = (list, item) => {
  for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
    if (list[i].id === item.parentId) {
      return list[i];
    if (list[i].children) {
      const parent = getParent(list[i].children, item);
      if (parent) {
        return parent;
  return null;

Step 2: Use the TransformedList in Your Vue Component

Now that we have our transformed list, we can use it in our Vue component. We’ll create a nested `v-for` loop to display the hierarchical structure.

    <li v-for="(item, index) in transformedList" :key="index">
      {{ item.name }}
      <ul v-if="item.children">
        <li v-for="(child, childIndex) in item.children" :key="childIndex">
          {{ child.name }}

import { computed } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const multidimensionalArrayRef = ref(multidimensionalArray);
    const flattenedList = computed(() => {
      // ...
    const transformedList = computed(() => {
      return transformToList(flattenedList.value);
    return { transformedList };


In this article, we’ve explored the power of Vue 3 Composition API in transforming multidimensional arrays into lists. By using `ref` and `computed` properties, we can create reusable functions that simplify complex data structures. Whether you need to display a flattened list or a hierarchical structure, the techniques outlined in this article will help you masterfully transform your multidimensional arrays.

Technique Description
Using `ref` to store the multidimensional array Allows us to access and manipulate the array within the Composition API
Creating a computed property to flatten the array Uses a recursive function to traverse the array and extract the desired data
Transforming the flattened list into a hierarchical structure Uses recursion to build the nested structure, allowing for display in a tree view
  1. Vue 3 Composition API provides a powerful way to manage complex data structures like multidimensional arrays.
  2. By leveraging `ref` and `computed` properties, we can create reusable functions that simplify complex data structures.
  3. The techniques outlined in this article can be applied to various use cases, such as displaying data in a tree view or converting nested arrays into a flat list.
Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Vue3 Composition API and learn how to transform props multidimensional Array into a list!

What is the Composition API in Vue3?

The Composition API is a new way of building Vue applications, introduced in Vue 3. It provides a more flexible and modular approach to building components, allowing you to break down your code into smaller, reusable functions.

How do I pass a multidimensional array as a prop in Vue3?

You can pass a multidimensional array as a prop in Vue3 by using the `:prop` syntax, for example: ``. This will pass the multidimensional array to the component as a prop.

How do I transform a multidimensional array prop into a flat list in Vue3 Composition API?

You can use the `flatten` function from the `lodash` library or a custom implementation to transform the multidimensional array into a flat list. For example, in a Vue3 Composition API setup, you can use the `computed` property to create a flat list: `const flatList = computed(() => arrayProp.flat());`

Can I use the `v-for` directive to render a flat list from a multidimensional array prop in Vue3?

Yes, you can! Once you’ve transformed the multidimensional array into a flat list, you can use the `v-for` directive to render the list. For example: ``. This will render each item in the flat list.

Is there a performance impact when using the Composition API to transform a multidimensional array prop into a flat list?

Generally, the Composition API provides better performance compared to the Options API, especially when dealing with larger datasets. However, the performance impact of transforming a multidimensional array into a flat list depends on the size of the array and the complexity of the transformation. Make sure to optimize your code and avoid unnecessary computations for optimal performance.

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